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Navigon Srl
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Navigon Srl
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3602 din 3602 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2008
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Navigon Srl Navigon Srl 0730120499 Somesului 2-12, Cluj-napoca, Cluj
Produse si servicii

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Europa de Vest

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Despre noi
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You are responsible for designing, executing and updating test cases for different types of tests for different types of applications - mobile, web or desktop.

You create and execute manual and automated tests.

You develop and maintain test scripts.

The German company NAVIGON is a pioneer and one of the world’s leading software companies within the mobile navigation sector. With the presentation of MobileNavigator|7, NAVIGON introduces a new dimension of mobile navigation on all portable devices, which is easy to use, comfortable and experience-orientated. Besides the multiple award-winner MobileNavigator, NAVIGON offers professional navigation solutions: the new Right product range for logistic fleets, as well as automotive components for driver assistance systems.
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